Lean In:Women, Work and the Will to Lead
Poorva Girish Hingne
6/20/20242 min read

Generally, not to offend anyone , I find autobiographies kind of boring. I mean, I often cannot relate to author’s life and though it is inspiring, it takes up lot of energy to read such books. But this particular book ,even though an autobiography, I found extremely relatable and felt connected to the author’s life and thoughts almost immediately. And I am sure every woman will fall in love with how author has expressed her opinions and thoughts.
The book is autobiography of the author Sheryl Sandberg. She is the COO of Facebook. She is the first woman to be elected to serve on Facebook’s board of directors. She is the founder of LeanIn.org, an organization which supports women striving to reach their ambitions.
This book is different and every single women can relate to the happenings of her life because the struggle of every women is similar. She has beautifully explained why women are not seen in leading roles in an organization. She explains her philosophy that if more women advanced into leadership positions then all women would gain. She has explained difficulties women face when making their way up in corporate field. She explains that a business model that relies on suppressed wages on those who are at the bottom of their society's social and political hierarchies – women as well as that of immigrants, people of color, and the poor – will not be feminist when a woman breaks through as a CEO. She has beautifully explained discrimination in a workplace environment from her own struggles and maybe that is why it becomes so relatable to the readers.
She shared her experience in one chapter that when she was joining as COO of Facebook, She was offered less salary than that of male candidate with same qualification. She had to negotiate for 1 hour and convince Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook) why she deserves higher salary package which is by the way equal to what the male candidate has been offered. Climbing up the corporate ladder, Women and men of equal qualification are not offered same salary packages for the same job. Women have to negotiate for higher salary packages or have a satisfaction at less salary package. And most women choose the 2nd option.
This is a must read book, because it gives a different prospective to looking at the things. Her experience teaches a lot of things. She has fought and won many battles and every battle leaves a scar and a story to inspire and motivate others to grow.
- Poorva Girish Hingne