Carpe Diem!
5/31/20241 min read

Today is a beautiful day
Today, as long as it lasts, is here to stay
Today is the day to live and enjoy
Today's moments deserve to be spent in joy
Feel the pulsating beats of the present
For the days gone by, it's futile to lament
To the pains of the past, be indifferent
Don't ruin your 'now' for the absent
Yesterday's like a movie re-run shown
The winds of change have already blown
Tomorrow remains a mystery unknown
The seeds of the future are yet to be sown
With every breath you take
In every decision you make
Now is the time to be alert and awake
Right now begins the journey you must undertake
'Tis said while the sun shines, one should make hay
Do what you can, in the best possible way
Be mindful of the present moment, I say
Learn to live the best life today!
--Meenakshi Nandula